Tuesday, March 25, 2008

May be Taslima Nasreen is not the Angel we perceive

After being tired of hearing the injustice shown to Taslima Nasreen by making her
move out of India,a digging of the backround of her being sent out of the country is necessary.Some hard facts about her has to be dicussed...

1)She was not the Medha Patkar of Bangaldesh, she had consistenly attacked the sentiments of the muslims by making derogatory comments againsts Prophet Muhammed and the Kuran.(Even Mr.Karunanithi was criticised severely for his comments against Ram).She was issued an arrest warrent and even a death sentence.

2)Why would a woman who wants to fight for freedom against women has to do it by revealing personal sexual history in an intimate narrative.

3)She had made several versions of her autobiography describing her contacts with various poets and their relationship with other women.Is this the way of fighting injustice and being a feminist.

4)She continued to hurt the sentiments of Islamic people even in India through her ruthless portrayal of Islamic laws and rules creating a lot of trouble for the government which has given her asylm.

They are various ways to fight against religious fundamentalist ,writing is one way,but there has to be some moral code which every writer may follow,not disturbing the normal life of hundreds of people.She,proclaiming herself as a writer for the betterment of the society ,has not lived to it.Instead she has led a life seeking fame through her autobiographical Kamasutras...


Resonator said...

hey very true ya..

she cud hav limited her comments atleast...

n btw i enjoyed readin ur blog..seems gr8 big "oh" fan of cricket

happy blogging

Saravanan said...

Thanks for the comments
and the compliment "great big 'Oh'fan of cricket"

Robin said...

It is an age old argument.. Which is supreme? Freedom of Expression or Responsiblity?.. Same problem that happened during Prophet Muhammad Cartoon crisis... But anyway.. i hate the way Indian Government handled her.. whatevery u may say.. she is a good writer.. And the government (both Bengal & Centre) should not treated her like this fearing a Muslim backlash..

Saravanan said...

@Robin na..
of course it is an age old argument,but when it comes to speaking against a community's sentiments and belief which they respect more than their lives,People in public life like Taslim must have been careful in choosing their words so that they dont provoke the people.Even Kalam dont often speak about the corrupt politicians and caste inequalities..It is the responsibility that comes naturally when someone enters public life...And Indian Government could have handled it in a way better manner(as in most case..!)..