Friday, March 16, 2007

The Eternal Mask...

Sometimes ,when You are alone ,when there is no other thing to disturb you ,your mind begins a search,the search for yourself.We are not ourselves ,almost all of the time.We do things ,because those things are essential or necessary for our success,or to please individuals .We all wear a mask .It is the undescribable ,the most sophisticated ,the eternal ,the most ugly piece of our soul .

We lose ourselves to the worldly happenings ,sometimes we hide love ,sometimes we dont help others though we want to help them .We dont control ourselves most of the time ,and allow the situations to decide to what has to be done.We are burying ourselves to the so called 'Society'.

In the process,we lose our selfhood.'Professionalism','Work Ethics ',whatever you may call it ,it swallows you into its awkward dimensions.The mask is so permanent,that sometimes it makes you believe yourself that you arent.The mask is undoubtedly the biggest curse to mankind.

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